Monday, February 27, 2012
Ragam Firas
hari ni cikgu just nak tempek video firas main bola sepak...suka sangat tengok video ni....genap firas 10 bulan, dia berani2 melangkah...memula 2,3 steps..pastu makin lama makin banyak...sekarang bukan main konfiden lagi nak berjalan....kekadang tu merangkak jugak...dan yang terkini firas dah pandai tendang bola....aishhh minat bola betul la hero kecik ni...kalau rajin tengok ler video kat atas tu....pantang ayah dia cakap 'kick the ball'...dia mesti terkedek2 pergi dekat dengan bola pastu sweetttttttt...cayang firas...
rasa takjub dengan ciptaan tuhan ...budak sebesar firas yang belum boleh bercakap pun bleh faham arahan....dah besar panjang nanti jangan plak susah nak faham arahan yer firas...mama n ayah selalu doakan firas jadi hamba allah yang beriman dan anak yang soleh...aminn
kalau cikgu tanya firas nak makan? mulut mesti ternganga sambil mata tengok ke dapur...hehe..chumill sangat...kalau bangun tido meragam....tak susah dah nak pujuk...tanya jer firas..."mana ball?"...terus berenti nanges...n merangkak pergi cari bola....yang terkini firas dah pandai tunjuk dengan jari telunjuk....respon paling cepat..tunjuk kat bola la...hehe peminat bola no satu abad ini...
tapi ada perkataan yang susah sangat firas nak faham dan mungkin juga tak nak faham...SABAR! atau NANTI!...aduiii....terseksa cikgu tau kalau time masak....selagi tak dukung, firas akan bergayut kat kaki sambil nangis teresak2...bagilah isyarat macam mana pun...ayat pendek macam mana sekali pun...Firas buat2 tak nak faham...huhuhu....tensennn aii...sekarang ni cikgu tengah nak latih firas makan sendiri...nampaknya masih belum berjaya...dia nak sentuh makanan...tapi lepas sentuh ...firas tak pandai nak suapkan ke mulut...hurmmm...ada tips??
dan yang agak memeningkan kepala cikgu sekarang ni...firas susah nak makan...makanan dia, mesti makan sesuap dua jer...sibuk nak makan apa yang ada di pinggan mama n ayah...camno tu...??sampai dah buntu nak bagi makan apa....dah la berat tak naik..aduhaiiii anakku
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Yg Ke 28 untuk Negara Brunei Darussalam..
hari ni cikgu nak share gambar dan pot pet pot pet tentang sambutan kemerdekaan negara Brunei Darussalam...alhamdulillah negara Brunei dah merdeka 28 tahun....semalam 23 Feb 2012, adalah kali pertama cikgu merasai sambutan kemerdekaan negara orang....masa kat negara sendiri...tak teringin pun nak pi berpanas semata2 nak tengok perbarisan...layan jer kat tv....bila dah duk di tempat orang...terhegeh2 plak nak pi tengok...sekadar nak cari pengalaman kata orang....rugi plak kan kalau tak pergi...tapi bila tengok perbarisan, tiba2 hati rasa sayu..rindu sangat kat Malaysia!...sambutan kat sini tak banyak bezanya dengan Malaysia....cuma ia disambut dengan serba sederhana tapi meriah...ada perbarisan, ada nyanyian koir, persembahan daripada murid sekolah, dan sedikit pertunjukan udara....yg bezanya...kat malaysia kita sahut merdeka! merdeka! merdeka!....tapi kat brunei....Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar!.....baguskan...alangkah bertambah moleknya kalau kat tempat kita pun ada takbir dan kemudiannya barulah disusuli dengan laungan merdeka.....hurmmm....kekadar pandangan 20 sen cikgu...
dek kerana hati yg berkobar2 nak pi sambut merdeka...sesudah subuh budak kecik gigi dua batang tu pun bangun awal...hehe...takut kena tinggal la tu...
disebabkan banyak jalan utama ditutup, perkhidmatan shuttle bus disediakan...baguskan...tak de la penat2 jalan kaki...kat atas tu ler gambar bas awam yang dijadikan shuttle bus pada hari tu...teruja tau dapat naik bas awam ni..sebabnya memang dah lama teringin nak naik...dah ler dapat naik time free hehehe....kebetulan masa cikgu naik bas ni, kiri kanan depan belakang ..ramai plak pekerja indonesia, bangladesh,filipina...tiba2 jer cikgu rasa macam orang asing....copppppppppp sib baik ler cepat2 sedar diri...cikgu pun apa kurangnya...dikategorikan orang asing la jugak...nama pun lagi org malaysia,..bukannya orang brunei...wakakakka....terlupa diri sekejap.... adehhhh...bas awam kat sini kecik jer...sebab orang brunei tersangat jarang naik bas....yg selalu guna bas ni tak lain dan tak bukan, pekerja asing..kenapa gamaknya orang brunei jarang naik bas awam...mungkin sebabnya...hampir setiap rumah kat sini ada kereta lebih daripada satu...tok sah terkejut ler kalau tengok rumah yang ada 6,7 buah kete...minyak dan kete kat sini murah beb!!...tapi tu ler...bila nak bawak balik malaysia dah jadi mahal sebab tax punya pasal...huhuhu
err..termelalut plak dah...best2 naik bas free...tiba2..shuttle bus tu terpaksa berhenti kat satu tempat, en polis tak bagi lalu plak dah....dah ler jauh nak menapak ke tempat sambutan tu....time ni memang ler terasa gak angin puting beliung satu badan....terasa pelik plak...takkan la pihak pengangkutan dan polis tak bincang elok2 jalan mana shuttle bus boleh lalu..takkan la sejauh ni pengguna shuttle bus nak kena jalan kaki..sabooo je la..ntah ler...polis yg tak betul...atau driver bus yg silap jalan...maka kami pun jalan ler menggunakan kudrat kaki...budak kecik tu tak per ler kena dukung...tapi kesian jugak sebab terpaksa menahan silau terik matahari..huhu...jauh tau kena jalan...tapi sib baik la dapat tengok wajah2 budak sekolah yg suci bersih sedia menunggu kedatangan Sultan kat jalan tu...teringat kat sekolah huwaaaaaaaaaa...
jalan dah lengang
murid dan cikgu sabar menunggu Sultan dengan kibaran bendera
murid-murid sekolah yang menunggu untuk persembahan...kesian terpaksa berjemur panas
khemah paramedik pun ada...ramai tau yg pengsan ...maklumla cuaca kat brunei ni tersangatla panas dan berbahang
bakal doktor di dukung oleh ayahanda
kat bawah ni adalah gambar2 perbarisan yg cikgu sempat amik...layannzzzz
kat sini ler tempat sultan tabik hormat..gambar ni diambil dari ofis en.asben..
lepas tu en asben ajak pi tengok dekat2...time ni adalah bacaan ikrar merdeka....errrrr apa cerita dengan budak kecik gigi dua batang tu...??????
tido rupenyeeeeeeee....penat dan mengantuk sesangat dah tu....
kumpulan koir
lepas bacaan ikrar, laungan takbir...murid2 sekolah buat persembahan...maka berakhirlah sambutan hari kemerdekaan yg ke 28...jommm balikkkkkk..
tapi sebelum balik, kami sempat bergambo suka suki hehehe....
budak gigi dua batang hehehe...sembunyikan gigi nampak!
heroes malaya
kalau dah berempat, agak2 muat lagi tak nak bergambar macam ni hehehe
oppsss gambar sesat...
menari ke berjalan tu firas?
Monday, February 20, 2012
Kenali Warna dan Jenis Najis Baby Anda..
hamboihhh jenuh cikgu menunggu kat rumah baru ni ada internet...dah dekat sebulan pindah...aritu dah ada orang datang check line tepon...hati dah mula berbunga2...tanda2 nak beronline dah dekat nampak gayanya...seminggu dua minggu sampai ler berminggu-minggu...modemnya tak muncul2....rupa2nya company yg urus internet ni baru nak order...hampehhh...dah sebulan la che mat (bukan nama sebenar) oiii kami mohon nak install internet.....ape pasal ler baru nak order modem...happpaaaaaaaa daaa...last2 en asben beli broadband...dapat ler ari ni cikgu sambung balik keja tak bergaji ni muahahahaha....
hari ni just nak share tentang najissss...opssssssss...najis bukan sebarang najiss...najis baby perlu diambil berat...ewahhhh...jom jom skodeng jenis dan warna najis baby......penting ni cikgu cedok dari blog ni kasih ye tempek info cikgu copy n tempek plak kat blog cikgu utk tujuan perkongsian ilmu...
Sticky, tar-like and green or black
This is meconium. The first stools of a newborn will be this consistency and color. It is what is present inside the bowels of a newborn upon birth and will clear itself out within the first couple of days and represents the "byproducts" of building an entire human being for nine months.
Greenish or Yellow/Brown, grainy or seedy
This is the transition between meconium and a regular breastfed stool and begins as mom's milk is coming in on the second, third or fourth day of life. There may be three stools each day, ten, or even twenty. Occasionally, even a baby in the first week of life will skip a day and have no bowel movements at all. Call your doctor to discuss this even though it is normal. This does not require a dietary change or supplementation of a breastfed baby.
Light yellow to bright green, loose/runny, curdy, lumpy, seedy, creamy, mustard-like
These are normal breastfed stools. The consistency, frequency and color vary from day to day. My wife described the smell as "curried yogurt". Opinions on this odor description differ widely.
Frequent Watery Stool often "Greener" than usual
How can you spot diarrhea in a baby who has loose frequent stools every day? This type of poop is "diarrhea" in a breastfed baby. It can be due to a virus, a bowel infection, stress, anxiety or a food intolerance.
Hard, pellet - like, presence of blood or mucous
This is constipation in a breastfed baby and is so very rare that I cannot recall ever seeing it in a baby who is receiving breastmilk as a sole source of nutrition, as are most babies in the first six months. It could be related to a food allergy. Formula fed babies get constipated much more often and may even have harder bigger stools like older kids and adults. Getting these stools softer is a balancing act of great proportions.
Black stools often accompanied by constipation
This is the result of iron supplementation. Iron fortified infant foods and infant vitamins can cause constipation. A healthy breastfed baby does not need iron supplementation. The iron in breastmilk is much more bioavailable than any other form.
Red streaked stools
This usually comes from bleeding in the lower intestine or rectum. Most often it is caused by rectal fissures which are tiny "cuts" around the circumference of the anus. This can be a reaction to dairy in mom's diet. Elimination of all dairy is the first line of defense in this situation. I have seen countless babies who had blood in their poop which resolved when mom stopped all dairy products and returned with even a small amount of milk or cheese. Other dietary changes may be needed for breastfeeding moms. Formula fed babies lose blood from the lower intestine when they drink cow milk formula and some have the same losses on soy formula. Occasionally, this "micro-hemorrhaging" can become visible as blood streaking on the surface of the stool. Persistent or increasing blood in the stool or blood mixed with mucus (described as "currant jelly" stool in the texts) requires an immediate call to your doctor.
Green, frothy st
This can be a result of a hindmilk/foremilk imbalance. A true imbalance is rare. It is often seen accompanying a forceful letdown. Lactation consultants will help moms find a nursing pattern which works to combat this problem. If letdown it too forceful in the early weeks, the solution can be to allow milk to leak into a cloth diaper during letdown, then latch baby back on. Feeding two to three times off the same side may also show improvement. Caution should be used with same side feeding as it can decrease supply.
Green, mucousy stool
This can be a result of a virus. Often the only sign we see of a virus is in the green stool. This is evidence of malabsorption in the intestines. Watch for how many days and with what consistency it is occurring. With a virus, it will run its course over a few days and begin to improve.
Dan ini ada sedikit info bagi ibu-ibu yang risau tentang bayi mereka yang tidak membuang air besar sehingga berhari-hari lamanya. ;-)
".. Stools in breastfeeding babies are predictably greeen, brown, yellow or orange.."
[Sumber: "The Color of the Day: Solving Bowel Movement Mysteries", Dr Jay Gordon & Cheryl Taylor White, CBE]
[Sumber: 'Your Guide tu Baby Stools']
hamboihhh jenuh cikgu menunggu kat rumah baru ni ada internet...dah dekat sebulan pindah...aritu dah ada orang datang check line tepon...hati dah mula berbunga2...tanda2 nak beronline dah dekat nampak gayanya...seminggu dua minggu sampai ler berminggu-minggu...modemnya tak muncul2....rupa2nya company yg urus internet ni baru nak order...hampehhh...dah sebulan la che mat (bukan nama sebenar) oiii kami mohon nak install internet.....ape pasal ler baru nak order modem...happpaaaaaaaa daaa...last2 en asben beli broadband...dapat ler ari ni cikgu sambung balik keja tak bergaji ni muahahahaha....
hari ni just nak share tentang najissss...opssssssss...najis bukan sebarang najiss...najis baby perlu diambil berat...ewahhhh...jom jom skodeng jenis dan warna najis baby......penting ni cikgu cedok dari blog ni kasih ye tempek info cikgu copy n tempek plak kat blog cikgu utk tujuan perkongsian ilmu...

This is meconium. The first stools of a newborn will be this consistency and color. It is what is present inside the bowels of a newborn upon birth and will clear itself out within the first couple of days and represents the "byproducts" of building an entire human being for nine months.

This is the transition between meconium and a regular breastfed stool and begins as mom's milk is coming in on the second, third or fourth day of life. There may be three stools each day, ten, or even twenty. Occasionally, even a baby in the first week of life will skip a day and have no bowel movements at all. Call your doctor to discuss this even though it is normal. This does not require a dietary change or supplementation of a breastfed baby.
Light yellow to bright green, loose/runny, curdy, lumpy, seedy, creamy, mustard-like
These are normal breastfed stools. The consistency, frequency and color vary from day to day. My wife described the smell as "curried yogurt". Opinions on this odor description differ widely.

How can you spot diarrhea in a baby who has loose frequent stools every day? This type of poop is "diarrhea" in a breastfed baby. It can be due to a virus, a bowel infection, stress, anxiety or a food intolerance.

This is constipation in a breastfed baby and is so very rare that I cannot recall ever seeing it in a baby who is receiving breastmilk as a sole source of nutrition, as are most babies in the first six months. It could be related to a food allergy. Formula fed babies get constipated much more often and may even have harder bigger stools like older kids and adults. Getting these stools softer is a balancing act of great proportions.

This is the result of iron supplementation. Iron fortified infant foods and infant vitamins can cause constipation. A healthy breastfed baby does not need iron supplementation. The iron in breastmilk is much more bioavailable than any other form.

This usually comes from bleeding in the lower intestine or rectum. Most often it is caused by rectal fissures which are tiny "cuts" around the circumference of the anus. This can be a reaction to dairy in mom's diet. Elimination of all dairy is the first line of defense in this situation. I have seen countless babies who had blood in their poop which resolved when mom stopped all dairy products and returned with even a small amount of milk or cheese. Other dietary changes may be needed for breastfeeding moms. Formula fed babies lose blood from the lower intestine when they drink cow milk formula and some have the same losses on soy formula. Occasionally, this "micro-hemorrhaging" can become visible as blood streaking on the surface of the stool. Persistent or increasing blood in the stool or blood mixed with mucus (described as "currant jelly" stool in the texts) requires an immediate call to your doctor.
Green, frothy st

This can be a result of a hindmilk/foremilk imbalance. A true imbalance is rare. It is often seen accompanying a forceful letdown. Lactation consultants will help moms find a nursing pattern which works to combat this problem. If letdown it too forceful in the early weeks, the solution can be to allow milk to leak into a cloth diaper during letdown, then latch baby back on. Feeding two to three times off the same side may also show improvement. Caution should be used with same side feeding as it can decrease supply.

This can be a result of a virus. Often the only sign we see of a virus is in the green stool. This is evidence of malabsorption in the intestines. Watch for how many days and with what consistency it is occurring. With a virus, it will run its course over a few days and begin to improve.
Dan ini ada sedikit info bagi ibu-ibu yang risau tentang bayi mereka yang tidak membuang air besar sehingga berhari-hari lamanya. ;-)
"..There is a great range of frequency of bowel movements with exclusivelu breastfed infants, rangin from a couple of times a day to several days. There completely healthy nursing babies that gave a bowel movement once a week, once every ten days, or even a few that go a bit longer. If your baby is healthy, developing well, nursing well and the consistency of the bowel movement when it does make its appearance is soft or loose, then do not be concerned. It is not constipation if it arrives in soft form. Constipation Would arrive in pellets and hard formed pieces..."
".. Stools in breastfeeding babies are predictably greeen, brown, yellow or orange.."
[Sumber: "The Color of the Day: Solving Bowel Movement Mysteries", Dr Jay Gordon & Cheryl Taylor White, CBE]
[Sumber: 'Your Guide tu Baby Stools']
Info Kesihatan
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Jalan jangan tak jalan!
Pssssttt....pssssttt....semalam firas memberanikan diri bertatih sendiri...xnak mama pegang2 hokeyy. Memula tu pelik jugak kenapa firas tepis tepis tangan mama,rupa2nya nak tunjuk skill baru...tahniah sayang! Walau pun baru berani berjalan 5,6 steps,mama n ayah kagum sgt.pasni nampak gayanya mama n ayah kena selalu buat latihan kejar mengejar la huhuhu..skejap jer masa berlalu,pejam celik pjam celik firas dah 10bln.aritu prnah trfikir,bila firas dah blh jalan,mama nak bg adik gegirl plak utk main2 dgn firas. Xsangka la awal plak anak bujang ni nak berjalan...nampaknya kena tunggu firas dah pandai berlari plak la baru plan utk dapatkan gegirl hihi
To ayah n k.cik...epi besday.smoga pjg umurr dan hidup dgn amalan soleh sentiasa.
Pssssttt....pssssttt....semalam firas memberanikan diri bertatih sendiri...xnak mama pegang2 hokeyy. Memula tu pelik jugak kenapa firas tepis tepis tangan mama,rupa2nya nak tunjuk skill baru...tahniah sayang! Walau pun baru berani berjalan 5,6 steps,mama n ayah kagum sgt.pasni nampak gayanya mama n ayah kena selalu buat latihan kejar mengejar la huhuhu..skejap jer masa berlalu,pejam celik pjam celik firas dah 10bln.aritu prnah trfikir,bila firas dah blh jalan,mama nak bg adik gegirl plak utk main2 dgn firas. Xsangka la awal plak anak bujang ni nak berjalan...nampaknya kena tunggu firas dah pandai berlari plak la baru plan utk dapatkan gegirl hihi
To ayah n k.cik...epi besday.smoga pjg umurr dan hidup dgn amalan soleh sentiasa.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Hepi belated besday utk diri sendiri...huhu dah makin matang umur cikgu..
Buat masa ni tak dpt nak merepek meraban kat blog ni sbb internet blum ada kat rumah baru cikgu ni.. Tu pasal yg dah bersawang blog pun pinjam iphone asben jap.sib baik ler ada 3g,bleh ler singgah kat sini kejap.oklah dah pnat tekan huruf,byeee
Hepi belated besday utk diri sendiri...huhu dah makin matang umur cikgu..
Buat masa ni tak dpt nak merepek meraban kat blog ni sbb internet blum ada kat rumah baru cikgu ni.. Tu pasal yg dah bersawang blog pun pinjam iphone asben jap.sib baik ler ada 3g,bleh ler singgah kat sini kejap.oklah dah pnat tekan huruf,byeee
Macam-macam Arenis
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